Cerebrovascular Biology Australasia

Empowering the Potential of Brain Vascular Research

"The progress in cerebrovascular research hinges on collaboration and innovation, empowering us to make a significant difference in the field and in patients' lives"

A/Prof Ryu Takechi – Chair, CVBA

Our Mission

Reducing neurological disorders by maintaining healthy cerebrovasculature

The aim of CVBA is to better understanding how the brain’s blood vessels function, how they contribute to disease and how their function can improved to reduce the incidence of neurological disorders and improve the quality of life of all Australasian communities and beyond. To achieve this, we are committed to fostering an innovative, collaborative and inclusive community of students, researchers, clinicians and consumers dedicated to sharing knowledge in order to accelerate study translation and implementation into practice.

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Event Highlights

Upcoming Events

EMCR Workshop

TBC | Online Webinar

This is one of the Workshop series that is run by our EMCR Committee. The topic of this upcoming workshop is on research translation and commercialisation.

CVBA Symposium 2025

29 Nov 2025 | University of Tasmania, TAS

Our first in person symposium will be held on University of Tasmania campus, right before the Annual Scientific Meeting of Australasian Neuroscience Society. Information on registration and abstracts/program are coming soon.

Ryu Takechi copy

A/Prof Ryu Takechi

Curtin University, WA

Brad Sutherland

A/Prof Brad Sutherland

University of Tasmania

Research Hilights

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